
My New iPhone App: Shatoetry

I’m proud to reveal Shatoetry – my very special iPhone app – available now on the iTunes App Store

Shatoetry takes the building blocks of communication – something that’s universal to everyone – and makes them interactive and collaborative… so you get to create with me.
You choose the words, and I’ll perform them for you.
It’s a marvelously elegant creative tool.
Choose your words, add them to the Compose field, add dramatic pauses and emphasis on certain words and then press the “Shat That!” button to create our masterpiece of spoken word. You’ll be an expert Shatoetist in no time.
You can find details on how the app works here: http://www.Shatoetry.com

And join the Shatoetry community!
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Shatoetry
On Twitter: https://twitter.com/Shatoetry

Publish your Shatoetry on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ and show the world how clever we both can be!

My best, Bill

Click on Video To Watch