
William Shatner/Texas Lottery Cosplay Contest

William Shatner/Texas Lottery Cosplay Contest


Open to Worldwide fans.

William Shatner will launch of the Texas Star Trek Lottery Scratch Card Game on March 30, 2013. There is a call for a mass cosplay of Star Trek characters to rally to the Dallas Convention Series at 10:00am on that date to break the Guiness Word Book of Records for the largest gathering of Star Trek outfitted attendees in one place.
Since we know that not all of you can attend, we are holding an online cosplay contest for all William Shatner fans!

In order to enter you must be a fan of William Shatner and:

1. Follow him on his twitter account http://twitter.com/WilliamShatner or…
2. Like his Official Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/williamshatner or…
3. Circle William Shatner on Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+WilliamShatner

How to Enter:

In order to enter you must take a photo of yourself dressed as a Star Trek character.
In the photo you must hold a sign which includes your character identification (e.g. Vulcan Ambassador, Star Fleet Ensign, Cardassian, The Grand Nagus, etc…) AND the URL to where we can can find you (e.g. http://twitter.com/JohnQPublic or https://plus.google.com/+JohnQPublic or http://facebook.com/johnqpublic
You MUST be HOLDING this sign in the photo.

We will not accept photo entries where the information has been applied to the photo in an editor. This ensures that older cosplay photos cannot be used. You MUST dress and take a current photo to enter this contest.

Once you have the photo done, send it to Mr. Shatner at the following address:

Twitter: startrektwittercosplay@gmail.com
Google+: startrekcosplay@gmail.com
Facebook: startrekfacebookcosplay@gmail.com

The sign will give us all we need to know to find you so no further information is necessary.

ONLY use this address for submissions. Do not use it for anything else.

Winners will be chosen by Mr. Shatner and his staff.
Note: If you submit a photo with more than one person there will be only one prize, the person submitting it must decide how to split that prize amongst all members of the photo.

Any and all characters in the Star Trek realm are open for this cosplay.
Extra credit will be added for originality and the set up of the photo (props, scenery, etc…)
Only one photo can be submitted per person – you must identify which Social Media Site you are entering for.


Mr. Shatner and his staff will choose the best costume for each of the Social Media sites (Twitter, Google+ and Facebook)
The winner from each social media site will win:

One PERSONALIZED Photo of Mr. Shatner as Captain Kirk
An autographed one sheet post of Mr. Shatner’s documentary “The Captains”


Entries are due by March 29, 2013 11:59pm Pacific Time.  The winners will be contacted in early April 2013.